CYT Houston Scholarship Application

CYT Houston Scholarship Application

Thank you for your interest in Christian Youth Theater. We are a 501c3 educational non-profit organization which provides training in the area of theater arts to children ages 5-18. CYT is pleased to offer financial assistance to families who would not otherwise be able to participate in our program. If you are eligible, the scholarship can pay for UP TO HALF of the tuition for class or camp. Please complete this scholarship application and upload the required documents.

If reapplying for a scholarship, you must submit current information. If we have any questions regarding your application, we will contact you as soon as possible. If you have qualified for financial assistance, we will contact you to let you know the next step to registering your student for classes or camps.

Please note: Scholarship is based on regular class rate. Any current discounts do not apply.

Scholarship requests MUST be submitted at least 2 weeks before the class or camp you are requesting the scholarship for.

If you have any questions, please email